PCB Assembly for Industrial Temperature Measurement Equipment

One-Stop Servies: From PCB Fabrication to PCB Assembly
Parts Sourcing: We have years of experience and stable relationships with authorized electronic components manufacturers and distributors, so you always get real, quality parts.
Comprehensive Quality Assurance: From visual inspection to AOI and X-ray inspection, we take quality control very seriously and test everything rigorously for functionality and quality.
Professional Engineering Team: We’re highly qualified and dedicated to the success of your project, allowing you to start with optimized designs and giving you a better chance to meet project deadlines.

Material Type Item Min Max
PCB Dimension (length,width,height.mm) 50*40*0.38 600*400*4.2
Weight 1.8KG
Special dimension 1200*400*4.2
Material FR-4,CEM-1,CEM-3,Aluminium-based board,FPC
Surface finish HASL,OSP,Immersion gold,Flash Gold Finger
Components Chip&IC 0201(0.5*0.25) 55mm
BGA Pitch 0.3mm
QFP Pitch 0.3mm

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